Members Area
Members Area — You are logged-in
As part of your MelbPC membership, you are able to access the following services:
- Committee: about — Minutes & Financials
- Dial Help: Please check your query with iHelp before contacting Dial Help. Dial Help is an inquiry service for members, by telephone, for specialist in-depth assistance on computer issues provided by MelbPC specialist volunteer members.
- Information about the MelbPC Office365 Cloud Services: — supplied through our Enterprise subscription
- Office365 ProPlus offer: licence for up 15 computers or devices, inc. full versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Publisher at a very attractive 12-month subscription price.
- PC Update — download our newsletter/magazine
- Video — live-stream during a Monthly Meeting, or download or stream video of previous meetings. Temporary arrangements for video are given here before we have settled on more permanent arrangements.