MicroController Workshop
MicroController Workshop SIG
Project Activities in Moorabbin Workshop & Maker Lounge - and online also.
🕚 From 11 AM until 4:30 PM or so.
📍 Currently meeting in person at Moorabbin Maker Room and on Zoom
🔗 Join via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElcu6srTIjGdW5PjB-ct1DyUrIefmoYdLq
📇 Meeting code: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85857439931
🆔 Meeting ID: 858 5743 9931
📧 For further information, you can reach us by email at: microcontroller-workshop@melbpc.org.au
Currently discussing:-
3D printing on the Bambu Lab printer
Home Assistant software for home automation
6 Channel energy monitoring meter based on an ESP32
CNC Router project - at an exciting stage. Full meeting Sunday 1PM.
We build all sorts of projects. That can be anything but sometimes based on Arduino or ESP's
or its derivatives or Raspberry Pi
Come and join us at this next event.