PC Update

From The Editor November/December 2022

Hugh Macdonald

So like they say all good things must come to an end, and with my recent decision to become President of Melbourne PC User Group, I no longer feel that I can give PC Update the attention that it deserves as editor.

The good news is that as of the next issue of PC Update in February 2023, David Stonier-Gibson is returning as editor after his own stint as president has come to an end.

I have to say I have really enjoyed editing PC Update and (hopefully) providing you with interesting content about computers and technology on a regular basis.

I want to thank all of the members who have contributed during my time as editor. I won’t remember everybody if I try and name everyone but as they say, you know who you are. You’ve either been a technical editor, a regular contributor of a column, a SIG report writer, or just someone who occasionally contributes an article or a review. So thankyou all of you. Between us I think we’ve managed to produce a fairly good magazine each month.

There have also been the proof readers who have helped me each month to ensure all the mistakes are picked up, so a big thankyou to all of you as well.

I’ve offered to David to fill in as editor for him if he goes on holidays, so I’m sure he’ll probably take me up on that and I’ll return at some point. And in any case I like writing about technology issues, so I plan to become one of the club contributors for David. And of course, I’ll be writing a President’s column each month, so you’ll be hearing from me there.

However, for now as editor, it is goodbye. Thankyou for reading and the support you’ve given me over the past three years. In particular, thankyou for the concern shown when I was sick earlier this year, that meant a lot.

Have a wonderful holidays and I’ll catch you with a different hat on in 2023!


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