Microcontroller Discovery: The Absolute Basics

This Microcontroller Discovery workshop is designed to ensure that you have the very basic skills required to understand and benefit from the later project oriented workshops. It should ensure that when we get to the fun stuff nobody in the room will hold us back because they don’t know how to connect up their MCU, do a breadboard connection, or load a program into the MCU. This is the learning to hold a hammer stuff. Please attend one of these sessions first if you have never used the Arduino system IDE with an ESP32 before.
For this workshop you must bring your own Windows laptop. You must also have installed the latest Arduino IDE version 2-point-something. There is some ESP32 specific stuff also required, but that’s a bit hard to do without having an ESP32. We will provide ESP32 Dev Kits (30 pin) and other bits and pieces on the day. You can get the latest Arduino IDE here. Follow the instructions for Windows. Note: The reason I am sticking to Windows is simply that I have zero specific knowledge of other systems.
This topic is free to members and non-members. Bring a gold coin for the tea/coffee kitty.
Session times:
This workshop is currently scheduled for (Click on your selected session time to register):
Watch this space for 2025 schedule
Note: Every session on this topic is the same content/intent.
All workshops are held at our club rooms in Moorabbin Click here for location and directions.