2016-sep – SGM – Special General Meeting re President

Special General Meeting (SGM) – Wed 7-Sep-2016

This page will be updated progressively as required.


Meeting Result — as announced at conclusion of SGM 7-Sep-2016

  • Both main motions (Special Resolutions) were carried — in excess of the required 75%

  • John Bade is now removed as President and from Committee, effective immediately.


Recent Emails to all members & Legal Advice re SGM — 4-Sep-2016 to 7-Sep-2016

  • John Bade email to all members — 4-Sep-2016 — download here
    • “BitCoins and Blockchain speakers on Wednesday
    • Why all the fuss about the President’s removal?” –
    • No SGM – not legal
    • Report on CRM4nfp Membership System
  • Legal advice to Bade  — 6-Sep-2016 (inc. cover-email) — email to all members 6-Sep-2016 — download here
  • Legal advice to Hollow  — 7-Sep-2016 (response to advice to Bade) — download here 


Earlier Notices …

The SGM is ON, as advertised — 7:30pm, Wed

  • Mr Bade has sent a legal advice letter (around 6pm, Tue 6-Sep).
  • The SGM meeting will be held, as planned. It will NOT be cancelled.
  • If he wants that advice considered at the SGM, he can move a Motion, and the members vote on it.
    • 50% majority required – proxies will be counted in the total.
  • It is up to the members to decide whether the SGM continues (majority vote), not the President unilaterally.

Meeting Details

  • When / Where — Wed. 7-Sep-2016, 7:30pm, Moorabbin HQ.
  • Purpose: remove John Bade from Presidency &/or Committee
  • Note: this meeting is called & convened by a group of members (petitioners), not Committee
  • Monthly Meeting & SGM: The regular Monthly Meeting (starting 7pm) will be suspended at 7:30pm. The SGM will then commence in the same main room. When the SGM ends, the regular Monthly Meeting will be resumed.
  • Voting: in person at the meeting, OR days earlier in writing by proxy-form (closing date-time several days earlier — see Proxy Form below)
  • Bring your membership card to the meeting — it will be required for voting on the Motions.
    • If you cannot find your current card, then an older card, or your membership number &/or photo-ID, will help us check if your membership is current.


Notice of Meeting — 16 & 17 Aug.

  • Original Notice-v1 — download here — emailed to members very early morning, Tue 16-Aug
  • Updated Notice-v2 — download here — published on this webpage Wed 17-Aug


Email to all members — 31-Aug — Further SGM Information

  • Download here
  • Contents
    1. What you are requested to do
    2. Why & How the meeting is called
    3. The case why John Bade should be removed.


Voting by Proxy Form: download here — the preferred version of the proxy-form

  • Update at 6-Sep-2016: proxy submissions have now closed.

  • Proxy forms can be submitted now and need to be sent days earlier than the meeting.
    • Proxies enable you to vote if you cannot attend the SGM by having someone attend the meeting to exercise your vote (according to your directions).
      • You can send a proxy-form and attend SGM in person — recommended.
    • Recommended lower-risk sending of proxy form is to use both methods:
      • scan form and email its image to the Secretary
      • AND
      • deliver the paper (hardcopy) form to MelbPC HQ, Moorabbin (by hand or Australia Post).
        • As at 3-Sep, it is too late to use regular Australia Post.
      • To assist efficiency of our validation process, your email text could state “Also sent as hardcopy”.
    • Obviously, you won’t be voting twice — we remove any/all duplicates.
  • Proxies must be RECEIVED before the closing time on Mon 5-Sep:
    • By Email to secretary@melbpc.org.au   Mon 5-Sep, 12:00 noon
    • Paper (hardcopy) delivery: Mon 5-Sep, 3:00pm


MelbPC Rules — can be found at About Us