Editorial June 2020

Hugh Macdonald

Welcome to another edition of PC Update, and already we find ourselves in the sixth month of 2020.

This year has already brought so much in just six months: devastating bush fires, a once in a 100 years pandemic, and now seemingly, political unrest in the United States of America on a scale we haven’t seen in many years.

So I hope this little magazine can provide you with a bit of distraction from these highly unusual times.

Although you will still find some discussion of coronavirus inside, you will also find much else to inform and entertain: the early findings of a Melbourne research project to speed up the Internet, tips on minimising eye strain while using your computer, how to use virtual machines (maybe you’ve always wanted to try Linux but were afraid you might wipe out Windows in the process), and some more member tips and tricks.

You’ll also find the regulars including Yammer highlights, DOTW highlights, book reviews and an update from the President. As most of our SIGs have been adjusting to Google Meets or Zoom calls, reports from them are on hold for another month.

Enjoy reading, and have a good month!