PC Update

Want to become a space tourist? You finally can — if you have $250,000 and a will to sign your life away

Cassandra Steer, Australian National University Billionaire Jeff Bezos’s space launch company Blue Origin has announced it will sell its first flights into microgravity to the highest bidder. Blue Origin and its two greatest competitors in the “space tourism” field, SpaceX… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Backing Up

Dan Douglas, President, Space Coast PC Users Group Two types of files are required to be backed up. There are your personal files, normally stored in the following folders under your login account in Windows: Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, Music,… Continue Reading…

PC Update

DOTW Winners April 2021

Roger Brown DOTW is a lighthearted look at some of the sillier events of the week. Don’t take it too seriously and do pop over to Chit Chat and vote each week. Thanks to those of our members who occasionally… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Interesting Internet Finds

Steve Costello What Is Archive In Gmail And How To Archive And Unarchive Emails https://www.guidingtech.com/what-is-archive-in-gmail-how-to-archive-unarchive-emails/ Do you know what archiving in Gmail is? If so, do you know why and how to use it? The answers to these questions are… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Remember, Apple AirTags and ‘Find My’ app only work because of a vast, largely covert tracking network

Paul Haskell-Dowland, Edith Cowan University Apple recently launched the latest version of its operating system, iOS 14.5, which features the much-anticipated app tracking transparency function, bolstering the tech giant’s privacy credentials. But iOS 14.5 also introduced support for the new… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Building a DIY CNC Router (Part 1)

Dave Williams This is the first part of a series of articles on Dave Williams’ experience of building a CNC (computerised numerical control) router, which is an automated cutting machine that can be used on materials such as wood, composites,… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Monthly Meeting May 2021

The May 2021 Monthly Meeting was held in person and online on Wednesday 5th May 2021, with over 20 members in attendance at Moorabbin and over 70 members in attendance via Zoom. This was the program for the evening: Guest… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Presidential Musings May 2021

David Stonier-Gibson Successful Covid-be-gone party Sunday 18th April I think I can confidently declare the Party at Moorabbin on Sunday 18th April a success. We all had fun with frivolous games, pizza, and a lot of socialising. Email Transition The… Continue Reading…

PC Update

East SIG Report April 2021

Neil Muller Host Paul Woolard opened the April meeting again presented via Zoom. After welcoming members, the meeting commenced with George Skarbek presenting Q&A. Q: I have a problem with printing. I’ve done all the maintenance tasks on the printer… Continue Reading…

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    Contact Us

    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: office@melbpc.org.au
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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