PC Update

How to subscribe to SIG mailing lists and find out about their meetings

Hugh Macdonald

Ever since Covid-19 became a concern to society, SIGs at Melbourne PC User Group have ceased meeting in person and many have transitioned to a meeting via video conferencing platforms such as Google Meet and Zoom.

The opportunity that this presents to members, is that SIG meetings that were previously a long drive away and you may have discounted for that reason, are now instantly accessible via the Internet. For example, you may live in Mount Waverley and always been interested in attending the Mornington SIG, but always found it too far to drive. Well, now you can attend, because remember that as part of your membership of Melbourne PC User Group, you are entitled to attend any SIG you feel like.

So how do you find out about the activities of other SIGs you’re interested in?

It’s quite easy, it just involves using your member dashboard from the melbpc.org.au website to subscribe to the SIGs you’re interested in.

Here are the steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to https://www.melbpc.org.au

2. From the top menu bar click on ‘Member Login’. You’ll then be presented with the Office 365 login screen. Use your regular melbpc.org.au username and password here.

3. You’ll then be presented with your member dashboard that looks like this:

4. On the bottom of the page you’ll see the drop-down menu that is labelled ‘Join a Group’. Click on this and it will expand to look like this:

5. From here, you can search for the SIG that you’re interested in, or browse through the list until you find one that you’d like to join. Once you’ve made a selection, you’ll see that the initial ‘Join a Group’ button will change to look similar to this (in this example I’m joining the East SIG):

6. Once you’ve made your selection, press the little black ‘Add’ button and you’ll be subscribed to that SIG’s mailing list. You’ll now be notified about their meetings, and anything else they happen to mail out.

7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to add any other groups you’re interested in.

It’s as simple as that. Have fun exploring the many varied SIG groups that Melbourne PC User Group has to offer, and hopefully you’ll find a few that are interesting and attend their meetings where you’ll be most welcome.


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