PC Update

Interesting Internet Finds

Steve Costello, SEFCUG

In the course of going through the more than 300 RSS feeds, I often run across things that I think might be of interest to other user group members.

The following are some items I found interesting during the month of June 2020.


Why Am I Getting Calls When Do Not Disturb Is On


This is a question I had myself. After reading this post and applying what I learned, it is no longer a problem for me. If you keep getting calls while do not disturb is on, check out this post for a solution.


The Ultimate Guide To Privacy On Android


If you are an Android user, like me, you should check out this post. About every six months, or so, I run checks on most of the items outlined here. I use a paid VPN whenever I am not using my home Wi-Fi, and I encourage others to do the same.


Why Am I Connected To Wi-Fi But Not The Internet?


I am sure that at one time or another you have shown to be connected to Wi-Fi but not connected to the internet. If you would like to know more about why that happens and what might be a solution, check out this post.


Vivaldi Browser Tips And Tricks


I have been using Vivaldi (on both Windows 10 and Linux) off and on for a few months now, and I like it. This post gives some tips and tricks, that should make using it a better experience.


Can You Use Bluetooth Speakers If Your TV isn’t Bluetooth Ready?


I have two TVs that are over 10 years old but work fine. I have plenty of Bluetooth speakers and headphones, but neither TV supports Bluetooth. (Note: I have a soundbar hooked to the main TV now, and it supports Bluetooth.)


How To Reduce Microphone Background Noise On Your PC


I have been attending a lot of Zoom conferences since the COVID-19 crisis started. There are sometimes where participants have a lot of background noise in their audio. So, I thought this would be good to post for those having problems.


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