PC Update

Monthly Meeting February 2022

The November 2021 Monthly Meeting was held online on Wednesday 2nd February 2022, with about 90 members in attendance via Zoom.

Guest segment: Zero to One Million Hits in 14 Days

A discussion with Sue Barrett and Jobst Schmalenbach around their experience launching and securing an activism website that was successful beyond all expectation. Hosted by David Stonier-Gibson

When you set up an activism website off the back of community outrage and get 1M hits on day 14 from set-up, you know that the website is likely to be a big target for those who disagree with your cause. So, the right hardware, website performance and security become a big deal. Join Sue Barrett and Jobst Schmalenbach as David Stonier-Gibson discusses with them their roles and lessons learned in activism website build, performance, messaging and security as part of the March4Justice team.  The website rallied 110,000+ people in 200 locations around Australia in under 14 days on 15 March 2021. They will also share their work as two of the founding members of Voices of Goldstein, a grass-roots movement focused on better representative democracy in Australia, and their work on ZoeDaniel.com.au, the community-backed independent candidate for Goldstein.

Sue Barrett, BSc., Founder & CEO, www.barrett.com.au
An entrepreneur and systems thinker, Sue is best known for her work as an ethical and sustainable business growth strategist, sales systems specialist, educator, consultant, advisor, writer and change agent for better business, integrity, gender equality and climate action.
Jobst Schmalenbach, General Manager & Systems Administrator, www.barrett.com.au
Jobst is originally from Münster in north west Germany where he completed a trade apprenticeship as a Fitter and Turner then a BEng(Mech) but found the profession to restrictive. Jobst migrated to Australia in 1989 where he switched his focus to completing a Bachelor of Digital Systems with First Class Honours at Monash University. Having found his niche, Jobst has become a highly knowledgeable and proficient IT professional who is very familiar and hands on with both hardware and software. He is passionate about IT security, sustainability, integrity, equality and climate action.


If you missed out the first time and would like to view any of these presentations, you can do so at http://services.melbpc.org.au/videos/

The username is videos and the password is drum286.


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