DOTW Winners May 2021

Roger Brown

DOTW is a lighthearted look at some of the sillier events of the week. Don’t take it too seriously and do pop over to Chit Chat and vote each week. Thanks to those of our members who occasionally ‘feature’ for taking the gentle humour in such good part.

May was a month where members of the Chit Chat group very deeply felt the loss of our member and group founder Judy Bednar. We continue DOTW in her memory.

May winners were:

• Queensland police who when contacted by a caller seeking immediate protection from domestic violence took an hour to respond and when they did and received no answer simply wandered off taking no action to ascertain whether the caller was still alive. She wasn’t – she’d been murdered!!

• The hairdresser in south-west Victoria who says she won’t accept customers who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 because in her view they may infect other clients (a view deemed nonsense by medical experts).

• Our very own Kevin Martin for one of the worst bad jokes ever posted on Yammer.

• Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck for constantly demonstrating almost complete ignorance of the vaccination rollout to to the aged care centres for which he is responsible.

Thanks to all participants, including those who feature in our supplementary LOSER award!!