PC Update

In Search of Backup Utopia

Harry Lewis In his intriguing article ‘Elephobia’ in last month’s PC Update we were transported to Planet Wright where George (of that ilk) introduced us to folk with interesting traditions regarding backup. The standout for me was the practice of… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Thanks To The Ancient Greeks

George Wright (with maths advice from Ann Lawry) Humans can identify complex relationships with each other and their habitats. I’ve come to think that the ancient Greeks who invented numerical theories were actually laying the groundwork for a study into… Continue Reading…

PC Update

DOTW Winners August 2021

  DOTW is a lighthearted look at some of the sillier events of the week. Don’t take it too seriously and do pop over to Chit Chat and vote each week. Thanks to those of our members who occasionally ‘feature’… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Presidential Musings September 2021

David Stonier-Gibson This may be the last PC Update you read before submitting your proxy votes for the November AGM. That meeting will be online only, so votes will have to be done by email or snail mail. You should… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Digital tech is the future, but a new report shows Australia risks being left in the past

Shazia Sadiq, The University of Queensland and Thas Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, The University of Melbourne Digital technologies are now at the heart of our everyday lives, as anyone who has swapped their office for a videoconferencing screen, or downloaded a contact-tracing… Continue Reading…

PC Update

‘What is my IP address?’ Explaining one of the most Googled questions in the world

Paul Haskell-Dowland, Edith Cowan University and Bogdan Ghita, University of Plymouth What is my IP? It’s an odd question in most people’s minds, yet it’s one of the top ten most-searched questions on Google. Those who know what an IP… Continue Reading…

PC Update

East SIG Report August 2021

Neil Muller Host Paul Woolard opened the August meeting, again with all members back at home joining the meeting via Zoom. The first presentation of the night was George Skarbek presenting his normal Q&A segment. Q. On John Hall’s recommendation,… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Monthly Meeting September 2021

The September 2021 Monthly Meeting was held online on Wednesday 1st September 2021, with about 70 members in attendance via Zoom. This was the program for the evening: Guests : Dr Alice Motion and Michelle Neil Topic: Citizen Science   Dr… Continue Reading…

PC Update

From The Editor September 2021

Hugh Macdonald Last month in PC Update we celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the IBM PC with an article. This month, if I’d had more time, I would have done a similar article on another momentous anniversary in the history… Continue Reading…

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    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: office@melbpc.org.au
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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