PC Update

From The President November 2019

John Hall Our new committee In my September President’s Report I asked for volunteers to nominate for the upcoming committee and I am very pleased to say that we have filled all of the “executive” positions and we also have… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Video Production Group Report October 2019

John Hall The meeting opened with John Thomson’s “What’s New” section where he showed us the Sony FX9 Pro Video Camera and gave us some facts about its amazing capabilities. He also showed new Cameras from Canon – the EOSC500,… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Science and Tech Projects Group Report

David Stonier-Gibson Hydroponics Project Update In Sci/Tech meeting on Sunday 20th October we decided to enter our hydroponics project in the upcoming Monash Mini Maker Faire on Sunday 1st December. This has somewhat taken focus off an all-singing all-dancing setup… Continue Reading…

PC Update

DOTW Winners October 2019

Roger Brown DOTW (whatever that stands for) is our weekly poll and light hearted review of the sillier events of the week. Thanks to those who vote and also to the odd member who might “feature” – all in fun… Continue Reading…

PC Update

November Monthly Meeting

The November Monthly Meeting (including Annual General Meeting) will be held Wednesday November 5 at 7pm Guest Topic: Tim Talks Tech Our November speaker is Melbourne PC User Group member and frequent and popular meeting guest speaker, Tim McQueen. What… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Editorial November 2019

Hugh Macdonald Welcome to the November 2019 edition of PC Update. This edition marks the end of an era as we have a President’s report from John Hall for the last time. I’d like to thank John for the great… Continue Reading…

PC Update

East SIG Report October 2019

Neil Muller The October meeting opened with George Skarbek conducting his usual Q&A segment. George commenced with an update to a recent presentation he gave on a cheap smartwatch he purchased to check his ECG and blood pressure readings (East… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Northern Suburbs Linux SIG Report October 2019

Trevor Jacobs Unusually, we started a few minutes late, missing our customary MC.   Get well soon, Paul. Back to tradition, and we started with Nick Vespo and Linux News. First up was the not-so-secret Android10 beta (Ed: the final public… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Yammer Highlights October 2019

Dennis Parsons Chit Chat One good thing about Yammer is members read a wide variety of news media from around the world and post links to interesting and very topical articles that many of us would not otherwise see. Bruce… Continue Reading…

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    Contact Us

    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: office@melbpc.org.au
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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