PC Update

Yammer Highlights April 2020

Dennis Parsons Coronavirus Discussion & Comments The COVID-19 situation of course continues to be a big topic of discussion and the release of the government’s COVIDSafe app was a particularly popular one. How does it work? Will it track me?… Continue Reading…

PC Update

DOTW Winners April 2020

Roger Brown DOTW (whatever that stands for) our weekly Yammer poll and light-hearted review of the sillier events of the week, continues – social isolation rules notwithstanding. Thanks to those who vote and also to the odd member who might… Continue Reading…

PC Update

From The President May 2020

David Stonier-Gibson It’s all a little weird at the moment. We have been forced to do a complete pivot on our plans and aspirations for things like the Maker Room. I am trying to grasp the opportunities that the CV… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Monthly Meeting May 2020

The main event for the May monthly meeting will be a panel discussion on the topic “Society after Corona”. We will be exploring how society may change permanently as a result of the pandemic. Will working from home become the… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Editorial May 2020

Hugh Macdonald Welcome to the May 2020 edition of PC Update. Although it has been a month since I last wrote to you in this capacity, it feels more like seven years. Once again, this month features a mix of… Continue Reading…

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    Members of Melbourne PC User Group can enjoy the club’s private Spaces based forum. Members share the latest tech news, help each other solve PC problems or simply chat about the affairs of the day. Another good reason to join MelbPC!!

    Contact Us

    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: office@melbpc.org.au
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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