PC Update

Editorial April 2020

Hugh Macdonald Hello and welcome to the April 2020 edition of PC Update. The whole world has changed since I last wrote an editorial in this magazine. Although there are enough mentions of coronavirus (COVID-19) in this issue, my aim… Continue Reading…

PC Update

East SIG Report

Neil Muller The March meeting opened with Dave Botherway conducting our usual Q&A segment   Q: What was the problem experienced with the recent Windows 10 update issued last week? (Early March) A: I’m unaware what the problem was as… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Book Reviews

Tim McQueen Nuking the moon Vince Houghton Profile Books 296 pages   This is probably not the usual type of book you’d expect to see referenced in PC Update. It’s subtitled: “and other intelligence schemes and military plots best left… Continue Reading…

PC Update

DOTW Winners March 2020

Roger Brown DOTW (whatever that stands for) our weekly Yammer poll and light-hearted review of the sillier events of the week, continues – social isolation rules notwithstanding. Thanks to those who vote and also to the odd member who might… Continue Reading…

PC Update

Yammer Highlights March 2020

Coronavirus Discussion & Comments   Looking for toilet paper? So are the rest of us! But you’ve come to the right place to talk about it and anything else COVID-19 related.   John has been doing a very good job… Continue Reading…

PC Update

From The President April 2020

David Stonier-Gibson What a difference a day makes! I have started measuring time in Corona weeks and months. Things are happening so fast in this new, weird, wacky, and scary world we suddenly live in. Last week’s reality, its truth,… Continue Reading…

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    •    Address: Unit 26, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189
    •   Phone: (03) 9276 4000
    •   Email: office@melbpc.org.au
    • ABN:   43 196 519 351
    • Victorian Association Registration No. A0003293V

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